HUR Dreams

Membership based group called the Honoring HUR Dreams Program. This is a high-touch, accountability program that helps women to achieve specific goals. With 20 weeks of intense support and coaching access, her clients have been excited about the results they’ve experienced

You show up for EVERYthing and EVERYone.
It’s time to show up for U!

I can only imagine what you might be thinking…..

But If I don’t do it, who will?
The world will literally fall off it’s axis if I slow down.
Hard work is the only way to get everything I want.

The average professional woman wears 100 hats successfully and still dedicates up to 95% of her time managing and supporting everyone else’s dreams.

That may have stung a little…
so are you HUR?

If the answer is YES, then you are forcing yourself to survive with only 5% of your best reserved for U!

That just doesn’t seem right.

We both know that you deserve to be experiencing more than just 5% of you.
It’s time to receive support that will help to make your dreams come true!

Let me help you reclaim your time and bring harmony to your life.


Think about all the hard-work you do compared to the amount of time you give yourself to rest and reboot.

I know that you have BIG dreams but real success is dependent of how well you commit to taking care of the “U” in HUR first.

Let me break it down for you…


stands for everything you want in life

* from your Harvest *
* to your Restoration *

what they both have in common is U! It all depends on U!

My question is, are you honoring HUR properly?

hur program lastyear

When was the last time that U received help with your goals?

When was the last time that U were able to take a guilt-free break without sacrificing a deadline?

When was the last time that U pushed your desires to the side in order to help someone else win?

When was the last time that U were able to treat yourself without feeling guilty about it?

It’s really hard to do those things and live your best life when U are only saving that same little 5% for you!

When U look in the mirror can you honestly say that you are honoring HUR dreams the way U should?

Real success dependents on how well you commit to taking care of HUR first!

I want to help you create the life that you deserve to be living right NOW!

Let me show U how!

Honoring HUR Dreams
Accountability Program

hur program with lashaun

In 20 weeks you will experience support and clarity like never before!

* No more being on the back-burner of your own hard work!

“Your goals are serious and so am I as your accountability coach.”   

La Shaunn 

In addition to 1:1 coaching, you’ll have access to a library of lessons to magnify your success:

Lessons Include:

– Understanding Your D.R.E.A.M
–  SHERO vs. F.E.A.R & Failure
– Protecting Your Peace Through the Storm
– Mindset Matters
– Shift Happens Everyday
– Pitfalls & Hurdles of Grace

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Who actually uses an Accountability Coach?

– The woman who has a list of goals and is looking for a solid plan to execute them all.

– The woman who is serious about thriving in HUR daily walk instead of just surviving!

– The woman who is ready to face HUR fears surrounding success and conquer them!

– The woman who is ready to experience authentic sisterhood through teamwork!

– The woman who is ready to work with a coach who will push HUR to win!

– The woman who wants to learn how to work & play in harmony!

– The woman who may be afraid but is excited about reaching HUR next level!

Let me introduce myself properly….

Hey lady!

My name is La Shaunn Spivey-Angeletti. I’ve been an educator for over 20 years. My superpower is helping people of all ages identify how to use their gifts and talents to cultivate personal success. I also create retreats and events designed specifically for busy women like you. In these spaces women are able to take their capes off and experience opulence like never before.

I know that you are a high achieving boss chick who doesn’t have time to play. That’s exactly why I created the Honoring HUR Dreams Accountability Program. If you say you want it, that’s exactly what our mission together will be! You deserve to have support that will will help you to achieve the results you want!
It’s time to stop playing small!
You deserve to be #1!

zumba dreamcultivator
hur program benefits

What Will I Gain From This Program?

Will I learn how to create breaks without sacrificing my goals and progress? YES!
Will I learn how to reactivate gifts and talents that can help to accomplishing my goals? YES!
Will I learn tools that I can implement immediately without taking away from my responsibilities? YES!
Will I learn self-talk skills that will allow me to strengthen my confidence and cultivate my inner-child? YES!
Will I get to work with other women to problem solve and discuss goal setting for motivation? YES!
Will I receive coaching that truly holds me accountable through lessons and support? YES!
Will I be encouraged to Cultivate my Dreams greater than ever before? ABSOLUTELY!

How Much Support Will I Experience?

6 Months of Coaching

Private Facebook Group Access
1-on-1 Coaching Sessions
Support & Accountability
Lesson Re-watching Accessibility

Your Vision / Your Goals

Goal Setting
Planning Sessions
Personalized Accountability Plan


Hump Day Check-Ins
Group Brain Dump & Support Sessions
Accountability Challenges
Ladies Night-In Socials

Bonus Items:
Modern Mom Fix Whole Life Planner

ZenFit with Coach Eesh

Weekly LIVE workouts
Fitness & Health Tips
Meal Prep-Hacks

Expert Guests



Total Value – $4,570
Retail Price – $3,285
For U Today – $1,200 in full 

(or $225/month subscription)

Service fees apply.

One thing that I feel every woman will walk away with from this program is a clear and achievable strategy plan to execute their goals and dreams.

One of my favorite tools that I will take with me is Brain Dumping. It gives me permission to let my mind’s creativity to flow as-is without worrying about the order of it. This is the place I would always freeze in my creativity process; but not anymore.

– Everette –

I just can’t list one thing that a woman will beneficial because the list goes on and on. I will start with purpose, accountability, commitment, perseverance, relationship, and growth though. La Shaunn went above and beyond the call of duty and continues to thrive to give you more. The valuable thing that I’ve learned from this group is to never Give Up on your Dreams! Continue to thrive!!!

– Melanie –

There’s only ONE question left.
Are you ready to live the life you deserve?

Then it’s time make yourself the PRIORITY!

“If in the end you’d given your all but never taught them how to REST
They’ll pick up your habits and repeat the task of never truly becoming their BEST!” 

— The Dream Cultivator Ms. Spivey