“Dream Cultivator Ms. Spivey will captivate your audience
and deliver results!”
Every class is developed with the whole family in mind. As an engaging curriculum designer and facilitator, Ms. Spivey’s mission is for families to grow through the developmental stages stronger and happier together. Her passion for families to succeed in every area of their lives is immeasurable.
Here are a few of her signature talks:
“Understanding Your Family’s Love Languages” (Sessions I & II)
“Post Pandemic Parenting Made Easy” (Series)
“What Your Child’s Teacher Really Knows”
“Protecting Your Peace Without Spending Your Coins”
“Staying Focused Through Break Fever”
“Releasing the Weight From Your Cape”
“Knowing Your Child’s G.A.M.E Face”
“Cultivating Your Family’s D.R.E.A.M”
Personalized motivation and signature talks for parents, women, and school administration upon request.